Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Fun Day at Work

   Today is no ordinary day. Today is the 5th anniversary for Sheikh Sabah being our Amir of our beloved country Kuwait. Anywhoozle, we celebrated this occasion at work. it was loads of fun. The moment I arrived at work, they were playing national songs about Kuwait and the Amir throughout the whole authority via speakers. Around 10:00am, they gave out flags for each and every emloyer and employee as well as servents and porters. And around 10:30am, we went out to the front field where the vice president put up the Kuwaiti flag up so high. Good thing it was so windy outside, it was such a beautiful cloudy weather. We sang the Kuwaiti national anthem then headed back to our offices hehe. It was so much fun, a fun change at work actually.